gabi restrepo

I’m a visual designer living in Chicago. Graduated from Washington University in St. Louis, Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts in 2020 with a BFA in Communication Design and a minor in Art History & Archaeology. I grew up in Miami, where I learned to love the blending of cultures and the appreciation of manatees and the beach.

In my design work, I am interested in connecting with people and creating with the intention of impact. Outside of design, I enjoy reading, picking up new hobbies, bike riding with friends, and visiting museums.


gabi restrepo

I’m a visual designer living in Chicago. I’m interested in connecting with people and creating with the intention of impact. Outside of design, I enjoy reading, picking up new hobbies, bike riding with friends, and visiting museums.

Email                  Linkedin               Resume

The Marriage Pact
  • digital & print collateral
  • visual brand development
  • email design
  • website graphics
  • social media design
  • data visualization
Fall 2020-Spring 2024

Vin E. Mac Sauce
  • logo
  • branding
  • packaging
Spring 2023

  • concepting
  • presentation design
Spring 2023

  • concepting
  • brand identity
  • logo
  • business card
  • letterhead
Summer 2019

Swing Campaign
  • rebranding
  • social media design & management
  • app UI+UX.

Fall 2020—Spring 2021

Bila Solar
  • business card
  • presentation template
  • letterhead
Spring 2023